Advertising in the OAMP Newsletter, Meat Maker News, is a great way to reach those in the meat industry, your potential customers. To advertise in the newsletter or on the OAMP web site you:
• Must be a member of the OAMP. Membership is $200.00 for the primary member with additional memberships at $75.00.
• Payment in full before the ad will run.
• Ad must be camera ready or there will be additional production costs.
• Second color is $100.00
Meat Maker News
The Ohio Association of Meat Processors (OAMP) prints a quarterly 16 page newsletter.
Advertising Rates:
Full Page: $275.00 7” x 10”
1/2 Page: $175.00 7” x 5”
1/4 page: $150.00 3 1/2” x 5”
Back Cover: $350.00 7” x 10”
Business Card: $50.00
The above listed prices are for black and white as well as camera ready copy.
Two consecutive Issues: 5%
Three consecutive Issues: 7%
Four consecutive Issues: 10%
Copy deadline: January 15, April 15 , July 15 and October 15.
Web Site Advertising:
The OAMP website would be a great place to place to promote your product or services for OAMP members. Ads for the web will be paid for on a monthly basis. These ads will be $20.00 per month with a minimum of 6 months.
No discounts will be applied for the web site advertising!
Advertising space will also be available in the yearly OAMP Directory. Please contact the OAMP office for detailed information regarding the cost and size.